The Alumni Association of Vasantidevi Institute of Pharmacy, Kodoli is a student-driven body established to foster and sustain this ever-strengthening bond between our esteemed alumni and the present students in the college
VPIP are proud of their Alumni’s and keep healthy relationship among college, current student and Alumni’s. To provide a platform that enables students to learn from our alumni, through their experiences by giving them opportunities to share. The alumni are our best emissaries in the corporate world and a vital link in the Industry-Institute relationship.
To foster mutually beneficial relations between College and its Alumni that contributes to the growth of VPIP and well being of its Alumni. The Alumni Association leverages the resources, talents and initiatives of Alumni to advice, guide and support the Association and Institute in achieving their respective mission and goals.
Build productive and transparent contact with the Alumni’s
Update the contact details, other information and individual member contributions etc.