Vasantidevi Patil Institute of Pharmacy
VPIP provides everybody with equal opportunity into its fold irrespective of caste, religion, language or based on gender. VPIP ensures that every individual inside the campus exercise equal rights and acquire in the process of offering or receiving education. Justice, Peace and Revolution are the roots based on which the living system exist in the campus. Any act, speech or intentions that perturb the harmony among the people is seriously regarded and dealt on immediate basis to restore the peace.
Vasantidevi Patil Institute of Pharmacy, Kodoli a place where the learning is celebrated every day. The Institute provides everybody with equal opportunity into its fold irrespective of caste, religion, language or based on gender. The Institute ensures that every individual inside the campus exercise equal rights and acquire in the process of offering or receiving education. Justice, Peace and Revolution are the roots based on which the living system exist in the campus. Any act, speech or intentions that perturb the harmony among the people is seriously regarded and dealt on immediate basis to restore the peace.
The Cell shall eliminate discrimination against or of any individual in all forms by prohibiting it and by providing preventive and protective measures to facilitate its eradication and punishments for those who indulge in any form of discrimination or harassment.
The Constitution of Anti-Discrimination Cell is as per measures laid down in and in compliance to the UGC regulations (Promotion of Equity in Higher Educational Institutions).