B.Pharmacy Examination & Results
About Examination Department
B. Pharmacy Examination Department of Vasantidevi Patil institute of Pharmacy works as per the norms and guidelines given by Shivaji University, Kolhapur. All the examination for B. Pharmacy is conducted under the control of Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
Examination Committee
Sr. No. | Name of Member | Designation |
1 | Dr. Santosh Payghan | Chairman |
2 | Mrs. Punam Shete | Secretary |
3 | Mr. Bharat Patil | Secretary |
4 | Prof. Vaishali Payghan | Library In charge |
5 | Prof. Lalita Dhahiwade | Library In charge |
Internal Sessional Examination process of conduct and evaluation and general grievances resolution
HTML p align Attribute Internal Sessional exams are conducted in Institute as per academic calendar, generally in 5th and 10th week in every semester. The continuous internal evaluation like quizzes, assignment, open book test, field work, group discussion and seminar are conducted as per teaching plan of individual faculty.
HTML p align Attribute The written instructions and notices are displayed to students about conduct of internal exam assessment by exam department prior one week of commencement. Students are verbally instructed by class teacher and subject teacher.
HTML p align Attribute It is mandatory for faculty to set the 03 different question paper for individual subject, keeping the same Course Outcome level for sessional exam. The hard copy of 03 question papers is submitted to exam department with maintenance of confidentiality. Exam department randomly select one set for distribution to the students.
HTML p align Attribute The sessional exam answer papers, after evaluation by faculty, are shown to all students along with expected model answer and evaluation scheme. If the students have any query, faculty members address the queries of students with regard to answers written by them. If any mistake in evaluation or totalling is observed, it is also corrected and brought to the notice of the students.
HTML p align Attribute Students unable to attend sessional examination on medical ground or students securing less than 40 % marks are given an opportunity to appear for improvement sessional examination.
HTML p align Attribute The final marks scored by students in internal examination including periodic test marks, continuous evaluation(if any) and attendance marks are entered in the internal examination marks register. After entering marks of all the subjects, final mark list with attendance marks and continuous evaluation marks are displayed on Notice board for students. Thus, Making Process Robust and transparent.
HTML p align Attribute The marks obtained by students in internal examination are communicated to Shivaji University, Kolhapurthrough offline mode and online portal.
HTML p align Attribute Each faculty will show the solved university question papers and answers to the students, so that they can write the correct answers for the specific question.
Mechanism related to Sessional Exam grievances
HTML p align Attribute Sessional Examinationis conducted TWICE for each semester. The continuous internal evaluation like quizzes, assignment, open book test, field work, group discussion and seminar are conducted as per teaching plan of individual faculty for which record is maintained with faculty itself.
HTML p align Attribute The written instructions and notices are displayed to students about conduct of internal exam assessment by exam department prior one week of commencement. Students are verbally instructed by class teacher and subject teacher.
HTML p align Attribute After distributing question paper if any doubt arises then concern subject teacher is informed accordingly and the query get solved.
HTML p align Attribute In Sessional exam answer papers, after evaluation by faculty, are distributed back to all students along with expected model answer and evaluation scheme. If the students have any query, faculty members address the queries of students with regard to answers written by them. If any mistake in evaluation or totalling is observed, it is also corrected and brought to the notice of the students. Absent students are asked to visit subject teacher individually for the same.
HTML p align Attribute Students unable to attend sessional examination due to physical unfitness or students securing less than 40 % marks are given an opportunity to appear for improvement sessional examination.
HTML p align Attribute Percentage attendance subject wise is displayed on notice board in every first week of month. Any doubt related to attendance are solved by reporting and consult with attendance in charge and subject teacher. Aggregate attendance is calculated after last working day and accordingly attendance marks are given.
HTML p align Attribute The final marks scored by students in Sessional examination including periodic test marks, continuous evaluation (Quiz, Assignment etc. if any) and attendance marks are entered in the internal examination marks register. Final mark list with attendance marks and continuous evaluation marks are displayed on Notice board for students. Any query related to same is resolved by Exam Department after communication by student. The marks obtained by students in internal examination are communicated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur through offline mode and online portal
HTML p align Attribute Each faculty will show the solved university question papers and answers to the students, so that they can write the correct answers for the specific question.
End semester Exam related grievances related mechanism
HTML p align Attribute End semester examination is conducted by Shivaji University, Kolhapur. Time table is made available on Notice Board for student information.
- Hall tickets are distributed at Institute level for First to Final Year .
- Hall tickets are distributed at Institute level for First to Final Year .
HTML p align Attribute After Declaration of result by displaying a copy of university gazette on notice board, 08 days period is given for photocopy application, after that additional 10 days are given for Revaluation application.
- Revaluation of answer book is done from outside evaluators from other Pharmacy college to keep transparency and result is published to students.
Other grievances related to hall ticket discrepancy, loss of hall ticket etc. are resolved in following;
Written Application are made in name of Exam Department / Principal
According to Nature of Grievance remark from Principal / Exam In charge is forwarded to Examination Clerk
Applicant is notified towards the action taken
Result 2021 – 22
- First Year B.Pharmacy Sem I
- First Year B.Pharmacy Sem II
- Second Year B.Pharmacy Sem III
- Second Year B.Pharmacy Sem IV
- Third Year B.Pharmacy Sem V
- Third Year B.Pharmacy Sem VI
- Fourth Year B.Pharmacy Sem VII
- Fourth Year B.Pharmacy Sem VIII
Result 2021 – 22
- First Year B.Pharmacy Sem I
- First Year B.Pharmacy Sem II
- Second Year B.Pharmacy Sem III
- Second Year B.Pharmacy Sem IV
- Third Year B.Pharmacy Sem V
- Third Year B.Pharmacy Sem VI
- Fourth Year B.Pharmacy Sem VII
- Fourth Year B.Pharmacy Sem VIII
Result 2021 – 22
- First Year B.Pharmacy Sem I
- First Year B.Pharmacy Sem II
- Second Year B.Pharmacy Sem III
- Second Year B.Pharmacy Sem IV
- Third Year B.Pharmacy Sem V
- Third Year B.Pharmacy Sem VI
- Fourth Year B.Pharmacy Sem VII
- Fourth Year B.Pharmacy Sem VIII
Examination Notices
[iframe src=”https://vpipkodoli.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/A.Y-2019-2020.pdf” width=”100%” height=”500″]