Vasantidevi Patil Institute of Pharmacy
Where is the institute located and what is the mode of transport to reach the institute?
Ans. Institute is well connected by road. It is approximately 27 Km from Kolhapur bus station. It is close to Police station, Kodoli.
Is the institute is approved by PCI?
Ans. Yes, the institute is approved by Pharmacy Council of India.
The institute is under which university?
Ans. The institute is affiliated to the renowned Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
Is there a placement cell in your institute?
Ans. Yes, there is a Training and Placement cell in our institute wherein campus interviews are conducted by various companies every year and eligible candidates are selected.
What are the resources in the institute?
Ans. The institute is equipped with the latest and upgraded instruments in each laboratory. An excellent library with recent books on each subject.
What are the facilities at hostel?
Ans. Hostel is available with all modern accommodation facilities for girls as well as boys.
How far is the hostel from the institute?
Ans. The hostel is around 500 meter from the institute.
What is the procedure for admission?
Ans. We offer D. Pharmcy, B. Pharmcy Course. Please refer Admission icon present on our website.
Which exam is to be given for getting admission?
Ans. MH-CET after 12th /HSC with minimum 50% marks
What is the intake capacity of institute?
Ans. To first year D. Pharmacy and B. Pharmacy 60 students. For directly admission to second year B. Pharm. for Diploma student- 10% of intake.
Can this course be done by correspondence?
Ans. No. It’s a full-time course.
What is the course schedule?
Ans. 2 years full time course which includes lectures and practicals for D. Pharmacy 4 years full time course which includes lectures and practical’s for B. Pharmacy. 2 years full time course which includes lectures and practical’s for M. Pharmcy and 6 years full time course which includes lectures and practical’s for Pharm D.
Are there any options to select the subject during the course?
Ans. The new syllabus (implemented as per Pharmacy Council of India) has some Elective subjects at B Pharm Sem 7 and 8.
What are the rules for attendance?
Ans. 75% attendance in all subjects; practical as well as theory as per university norms.
What is the mode of teaching?
Ans. Lectures are conducted by usage of OHP, LCD or chalk and black board and with regular practical’s of the respective subjects. Innovative teaching methodologies like Demonstration’s, Problem based learning, Case studies etc. also practiced.
Q. What are the student activities other than academic?
Ans. Apart from curriculum students take part in co-curricular and extracurricular and social activities. For details visit Events & Activities icon on website.