Vasantidevi Patil Institute of Pharmacy
(02328) 223341
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Vasantidevi Patil Institute of Pharmacy, Kodoli, has been accredited with an A Grade, achieving an impressive CGPA of 3.07 by NAAC.
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Vasantidevi Patil Institute of Pharmacy, Kodoli was established with the aim to impart quality pharmacy education and training to cater the needs of the pharmacy profession and society at large. The journey started in 2003 by introducing the first Pharmacy institute in the Kodoli under aegis of Shri Yashwant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Kodoli. The institute is approved by AICTE New Delhi, PCI New Delhi, and DTE Mumbai, recognized by Government of Maharashtra & affiliated to a MSBTE, Mumbai and Shivaji University, Kolhapur. The Institute is situated at the foot hills of Panhala, in the area of Kodoli, about 10 kilometres away from National Highway- 4 and 35 km away from major city, Kolhapur. The institute occupies the area of approximately 4 acres having its own 5470 sq.mts. building with excellent infrastructure which in-houses facilities such as sophisticated laboratories, resourceful library with latest books, national& international journals and well-equipped classrooms with modern teaching aid. Vasantidevi Patil Institute of Pharmacy is a progressive edifying organization, dedicated to the pursuit of excellence. This institute has been dedicated to decree solutions to big challenges and to prepare the student for leadership in a multifaceted world.
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Publicity (SMC)
Herbal Garden
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Eligibility Criteria
Fee Structure
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Admission Form
Code of Conduct
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Discipline Rules
Hostel Rules
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Medicinal Garden
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Auditorium Hall
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Research & Innovation
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AQAR 2023-24
DVV Clarification
Extended Profile
Criterion 1 DVV
Criterion 2 DVV
Criterion 3 DVV
Criterion 4 DVV
Criterion 5 DVV
Criterion 6 DVV
Criterion 7 DVV
Best Practices
Institutional Distinctiveness
Institutional Audit
Gender Audit
Water Conservation Audit
Energy Audit
Green Audit
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Discipline Rules
The pupils are recommended to follow any instructions issued from time to time by the principal and teachers.
For all academic and related events on campus, all students are advised to follow the appropriate dress code of the college. When on campus, students should conspicuously show their identity card.
The student must regularly and punctually attend classes, practicals, and activities hosted by the relevant clubs.
The student is obligated to finish and turn in the assignments on time, regardless of the problems they may cause the instructor or family coordinator.
For both the theory and practical sessions, the college anticipates perfect attendance. Only on valid reasons and with the Guardian teacher's/Academic coordinator's and/or Principal's prior approval is some relaxation possible. The attendance must always be at least 80% for both theory and practical classes; else, action may be taken in accordance with university/board standards.
Students must be on time for both classrooms and practicals. The problem of persistent tardiness should be resolved by seeking guidance from their mentor professors.
Information about Parents' Meetings will be made available offline or online. Parents are expected to attend the parent-teacher conference. Parents can provide a valid excuse for any absences and notify the instructor who is watching after their students.
Parents need to keep a close eye on their kids' academic schedules and progress reports.
If it is determined that a student is weak in a particular topic, they will be required to attend additional sessions as needed in order to catch up to the other students.
Weaker, backlogged, and lateral entrance direct second year students must attend extra classes.
Students are required to routinely check the college website, WhatsApp, and notice board for any new instructions or announcements.
Pasting of any pictures, posters, consumption of tobacco in any form (Smoking, Gutkha, Pan), chewing gum, gambling, consumption of alcoholic drinks and use of hallucinogenic drugs and other illegal substances or the possession of such substances anywhere in the premises is strictly prohibited and if student found consuming tobacco, he will be liable to punish.
In the classroom and labs, using gadgets such as mobile phones, tabs are absolutely forbidden and if found it will be confiscated.
It is strictly forbidden to paste pictures or posters, use tobacco products (such as cigarettes, cigars, or pan), chew gum, gamble, drink alcoholic beverages, use hallucinogenic drugs, or possess any other illegal substances anywhere on the premises. Students who are caught smoking will face consequences.
Using technology in the classroom and labs, such as mobile phones and tablets, is strictly prohibited and will be seized if discovered.Students must carry and wear prescribed uniform & apron during college hours.
Students are prohibited from engaging in any antisocial behaviour and from organising a group that might harm the college's reputation inside or outside of the campus.
While on campus, students should take good care of their valuables. Any loss of these items will not be the Institution's responsibility.
It is forbidden for students to participate in any political or religious activity on campus.
No celebrations of Valentine's Day or other inappropriate or anti-cultural events are permitted on campus property.
It is definitely forbidden to celebrate a student's, teaching staff members, or non-teaching staff member's birthday within a college building or on college property. It can only be observed in the canteen with prior authorization.
Misconduct or improper behaviour will result in an institution's instant removal.
Legal problems, if any, must be reported to the guardian teacher as soon as possible.
The government and relevant authorities will enforce all other rules, regulations, and directives.
The Institution shall not, under any circumstances, be liable for any compensation or claims made by any student who sustains a casualty or other harm while engaging in academic activities on or off the campus.
The main goal of all topics should be to foster a sense of national identity, social responsibility, human values, and equality. Neglecting the national anthem, the flag, or the elders will result in penalty.
Shikshan Shulka Samiti (the government of Maharashtra's fee regulatory authority) will determine the final fee structure, and if there are any arrears, the student is responsible for making the necessary payment.
The aforementioned rules of behaviour and self-discipline also apply to students living in dorms.
Students must adhere to the aforementioned discipline guidelines, which may alter or be modified. The principal may implement the modification wherever they see fit and appropriate. The principal's judgement is final and enforceable against the kids.
It is against the law to engage in ragging in any way on campus or off. Any student seen teasing another person will be immediately expelled from the college and subject to disciplinary action.
Please collect the office's codes of conduct for students’ policies, rules, and regulations for further information.